August 18, 2021
Trivia Answer:
1999 Dell Morgan Award winner Mario Ramos recorded one MLB win (out of three starts) as a pitcher for the Rangers. On October 1, he will be inducted into the Rice Athletics Hall of Fame. Read more. (Thanks, Joe Graves, Paul Reese and Mike Ross!)
Way to go, Joe Quoyeser, Jimmy Disch, Bill Allison, Russell Henderson, Martha Proctor Gano, Joe Graves, George Wagner, John Montana, James Walker, Paul Reese, Ted Richard, Clarke Anderson, Nancy Burch, Betty Bixby, Roger Parthasarathy, Bob Reinhold, Richard Avant, Art Gottschalk, Bryant Wilkinson, Sallie Schwall, Mike Ross, Bev Schorre, Mike Rogers, Melinda Clark and Ann Bixby!
Next trivia question tomorrow!