November 22, 2023

Guest Trivia Answer:
First, thanks to Susan Zimmerman for the guest trivia question!

Captain Monica Rambeau is the Marvel Comics superhero who graduated from Rice.  (Thanks, Andy Williams!) 

Way to go, Brian Lattimer, Andy Williams, Bill Allison, John Montana, Kellen Theriot, Bob Toone, Martha Proctor Gano, Matt Moake, Arthur Rogers, Art Gottschalk, Kirwin Drouet, Walt Greenberg, Ann Eldredge, Clark Anderson, Bev Schorre, Bryant Wilkinson, Paul Reese, Ted Richard, Bob Reinhold, Larry Nettles, Brian Ford, Ann Bixby, Mike Ross, Sallie Schwall, Chris Kohnhorst, James Walker, Melinda Clark, Betty Bixby, Richard Avant and Alex Johnson!

Next trivia question on Tuesday, December 5!

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