December 14, 2022

Trivia Answer:
Another hint:  Come Monday, I’ll know the answer to your trivia question, unless I am in Margaritaville celebrating the fact that it is Five O’clock Somewhere or unless I am enjoying a Cheeseburger in Paradise. 

Parrotheads are fans of Jimmy Buffett USM ’69 like Perrottheads were fans of former Rice baseball player Geoff Perrott.  (Thanks, Tre Fischer and Mike Ross!)

Way to go, Ann Bixby, Tre Fischer, Art Gottschalk, Bob Toone, James Walker, Greg Williams, Scott Wise, Betty Bixby, Steve Gilliland, Bev Schorre, Martha Proctor Gano, George Wagner, Michelle Cash, Brian Perrott, Russell Henderson, Richard Avant, Arthur Rogers, Charles Maynard, George Webb, Brian Lattimer, Sandy Benak, Guy Rollins, Sallie Schwall, Lou Ann Montana, Paul Reese, Greg Mathews, Ty Buthod, Chris Kohnhorst, Nancy Burch, Betty Gosse, Anne Eldredge, David Ownby, Bob Reinhold, Walt Greenberg, Peter Fasullo, Ted Richard, Mike Ross, Chris Reichert and Melinda Clark

Final trivia question of the year tomorrow!

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