Guest Trivia Answer:
In fact, there have been three quarterbacks to win a Super Bowl and also play against Rice in their career: Tom Brady, Drew Brees and Bart Starr. (Thanks, Paul Reese and Mike Ross!)
Way to go, Ann Bixby (2), Joe Quoyeser, Clarke Anderson (2), Martha Proctor Gano (2), Peter Fasullo (2), Russell Henderson (2), Bob Toone (2), Ted Richard, John Montana, Betty Bixby (2), Paul Reese (2), Mike Ross (2), Bill Allison (2), Dan Hyde (2), Bob Reinhold (2), Chris Kohnhorst (2), James Walker (2), Richard Avant (2), Brian Ford (2), Bev Schorre (2), Melinda Clark (2), Sallie Schwall and Bryant Wilkinson!
Next trivia question next Tuesday!
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