Guest Trivia Answer:
First, thanks to Joe Quoyeser for the guest trivia question!
On Sunday, Bruce Arians coached Tampa Bay to a Super Bowl win over Kansas City. Earlier in his career, he was fired as the head football coach at Temple and replaced by former Rice head football coach Jerry Brandt. (Thanks, Joe Graves and Mike Ross!)
Way to go, Ann Bixby, Ted Richard, Art Gottschalk, Bob Toone, Kevin Ancell, Jimmy Disch, Peter Fasullo, Clarke Anderson, Martha Proctor Gano, Richard Avant, Bev Schorre, Steve Gilliland, Dan Hyde, Scott Wise, Rick Sheridan, Walt Greenberg, George Wagner, Hal Gosnell, Paul Reese, Chris Kohnhorst, Larry Nettles, Sallie Schwall, Cory Barton, Paul Dishman, James Walker, Betty Bixby, Joe Graves, John Montana, Buddy Herz, Mike Ochoa, Steve Brown, Kirwin Drouet, Bryant Wilkerson, Bob Reinhold, David Ownby, Greg Williams, Martha Hoffman, Jim Woodruff, Melinda Clark, Mike Ross, Richard Zansitis and Roger Parthsarathy!
Next trivia question tomorrow!