March 29, 2022
C-USA Baseball:
Midseason Roundup (The Roost)
C-USA Baseball:
Midseason Roundup (The Roost)
Brockman Hall for Opera:
Rice's spectacular new opera hall to open with public events (Rice News)
Adrienne Correa:
Adrienna Correa wins CAREER Award (Rice News)
Trivia Question:
Name a former White House press secretary who was a campus-wide Beer Bike Coordinator at Rice. Email your answer here.
Rice Baseball:
Rice wins first C-USA series, 2-1, over Marshall (The Roost)
Richard Linklater (Thanks, Nancy Shelby!):
Houston, we have a movie (Houston Chronicle)
Rice M Tennis:
Buccaneers Take Invite Title (Rice Owls)
Rice Golf:
Rice Duo in Top 15 after First Round of Craft Farms Intercollegiate (Rice Owls)
College Baseball:
D1 Saturday Digest (Kendall Rogers)
Owls in MLB:
2022 MLB Owls preseason roundup (The Roost)
Rice W Tennis:
Fast Start Sparks Sun Devils (Rice Owls)
Victor Lopez Classic:
Women Close Strong on Final Day (Rice Owls)